Deskripsi Produk
Evo Plusmed Stetoskop/Stethoscope Classic Dewasa
Stetoskop EVO Plusmed produk Indonesia, digunakan oleh pelajar dan profesional medis untuk mendeteksi, mendengarkan, dan mempelajari suara jantung, paru-paru, dan suara tubuh lainnya untuk penilaian dan diagnosis fisik.
Product Features:
- Excellent acoustic response and rugged durability
- The chest piece is precisely machined to exacting tolerance from surgical stainless steel for outstanding performance
- Tunable diaphragm for monitoring high and low frequencies
- Non-chill ring provide excellent patient comfort
- Double leaf internal spring binaural for comfortable ear-fit,more durable and longer life span
- Extra sets of soft sealing ear tips
Panjang keseluruhan :770 mm
Nomor AKL :KEMENKES RI AKD 10501220226